Christian Counseling

Your Child is Always your Child

February 2, 2012
2 minutes read
Your Child is Always your Child

Your children are your children even if they get a bad grade or get in trouble. They are your children based on relationship to you. They are your children regardless of the frequency or quality of your relationship with them. You likewise, are God’s child. When you experience rejection you need to remember that, “…the Lord will not reject His people” Psalms 94:14 NIV.

It is based on relationship; He is father and you are His child. You are His and it is not based on your perfection, it is based on your association. You don’t change your behaviors to get in relationship with God; you get in relationship with God to change your behaviors. As you change your mind and begin to agree with His Word and principles your actions respond to your beliefs and you are transformed. This process is sped up by knowing the ‘how to’ application of changing your thinking, life, and relationship skills. Romans 12:2- …Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

God hungers to know you more deeply and be in an intimate relationship with you. He is on your side and wants to be alongside you as you transform your thoughts, core beliefs, and the emotions and behaviors that come from them so you can walk in peace and freedom.

The important fact to remember: Draw near to Him without fear for He will NEVER reject you.

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Dr. Michele
(904) 730-0775

Copyright (c) 2012 by Michele Fleming

Dr. Michele

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