
Why Do Christians Struggle with Addictions?

November 14, 2011
3 minutes read
Why Do Christians Struggle with Addictions?

As a Christian you have received Jesus into your spirit man. Your spirit man is what God sees as your new creation without wrinkle or blemish. However you still have a body and a soul – mind, will and emotions to transform into His image.

This lifelong “process” is your walk of being set apart as God’s (sanctification).  You choose day by day to move all the truth, faith and God characteristics from your spirit man into your body and soul area.  This means applying God’s truths and principles in what you do with your body, how you think, how you control your emotions, speech patterns and daily life skills like communication, coping, conflict resolution and relationship skills.

Addiction is a faulty coping skill that is your way of dealing with emotional, relational, and physical pain that you may not even realize is within you.  Just because you have a faith in Jesus does not mean you are immediately transformed in your body and soul areas. This takes a daily choice of knowledge and understanding that you apply into the way you think, how you feel and what you choose in your behaviors.

If you had a broken arm when you walked up to the alter to receive the Lord, you likely still came back to your seat with a broken arm that still required time to heal. This is the case with your soul.  Your intellectual choice to receive God does not have you immediately walk in agreement with every concept in the Bible.  As a Christian you need to remember that God is on your side when you are struggling and He wants to help you overcome things that hinder you from experiencing the gospel, fullness, blessings and good plans that He has for your life.  Our program will give you the tools to move forward so you can receive all the good things God desires for your life.

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Dr. Michele
(904) 730-0775

Copyright (c) 2012 by Michele Fleming

Dr. Michele

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