
Why can’t I be moderate when I drink?

May 5, 2012
2 minutes read
Why can’t I be moderate when I drink?

Many of my clients once thought they could try to manage their alcohol consumption, but found they were unable to control that which had been out of control for years.

Some people can drink and not become dependent or form an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. However, many of you do not fall into this category. Remember, that addiction is a process. The reasons why you cannot drink and be moderate have many complex elements varying with each individual.

You are made up of body, soul, and spirit. Your body has a unique physiology that may put you at a higher risk for addiction. Many physical systems of the body are affected by alcohol. For example, serotonin affects impulsiveness or a lack of control, as well as your mood.

Alcohol consumption affects serotonin and also dopamine levels in your brain. When dopamine increases you experience pleasure and when dopamine drops you need more alcohol just to feel normal. These are only some of the physical reasons that make abstinence from alcohol necessary, making it so that many of you cannot just drink and be moderate.

Your soul – mind, will, and emotions have developed through varying life experiences and you have learned patterns of behaviors. This is why some of you are at higher risk for addiction due to your learned behaviors. You may imitate patterns that you have seen in family members or developed ways of dealing with your painful experience that makes being moderate impossible….you have to abstain from alcohol to truly be free.

But I want to assure you, hope, freedom, and peace is possible, and it’s possible FOR YOU!

If you have an immediate need, please do not hesitate to call right away!

Please share your thoughts with us at

Dr. Michele
(904) 730-0775

Copyright (c) 2012 by Michele Fleming


Dr. Michele

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