
How Does God See You?
May 30, 2014

How Does God See You?

What does God see when He looks at you? The Scriptures give us a very clear view of how God sees us. He made us in His image to be His children and members of His family. The Bible calls us not only servants and heirs of God, but also friends. We are loved by God, not because of what we do, but because of who He created us to...

11 years ago
What Does the Bible Say about Love?
May 15, 2014

What Does the Bible Say about Love?

Jesus, the Son of God, put Himself in a human body. He walked among us so we could know what love looks like. He lived the Bible’s explanation of love in all that He did on earth. We were created in His image and when we have Him living in our hearts, we are called to model His love to the world, starting first with those...

11 years ago
What Creates Your Self-image?
May 08, 2014

What Creates Your Self-image?

How did we develop our self-image? How was our identity formed? From the day we were born we have received millions of messages that put labels on us and built our current belief system. Our life experiences have also influenced how we see ourselves. How we grew up shaped our opinions of ourselves. Did our families model the...

11 years ago
Healing By Focusing On God’s Character, Identity, And Intentions: Abuse And Rejection From The Church Part Five
February 28, 2014

Healing By Focusing On God’s Character, Identity, And Intentions: Abuse And Rejection From The Church Part Five

So how do we overcome rejection, or any obstacle, without being corrupted in our hope, faith, expectations, core beliefs, or behaviors? The keys to overcoming any obstacle in our lives are found in the Bible, God’s life manual, and the provisions and tools that it teaches us. The Bible clearly teaches that what we think will...

11 years ago
Trauma And Trusting God: Turning Your Thoughts To God
November 04, 2013

Trauma And Trusting God: Turning Your Thoughts To God

Everyone has experienced pain and disappointment, and many have experienced trauma that makes it difficult to trust. We have struggles that are common to man. We have experienced rejection, loneliness, abandonment, fear, persecution, accusations, and judgment. We face uncertain futures and our hope needs to be in God. Many of...

11 years ago