
Your Behavior Is Not Your Identity
January 17, 2014

Your Behavior Is Not Your Identity

Do you know how to separate your identity from your behaviors? Your identity should not come from what you have done, neither good nor bad, but rather it should come from what God has done for you. God put His Spirit in earthen vessels. He knows you are flawed, but if you live a lifestyle of repentance, which is changing your...

11 years ago
“Why Do I Behave The Way I Do, And How Can I Change?”
December 30, 2013

“Why Do I Behave The Way I Do, And How Can I Change?”

How often have you wondered why you do what you do? Often our behaviors aren’t what we want to do, but we feel powerless to change them. Maybe you yell at a friend or suddenly realize you’ve eaten the entire bag of chips instead of a handful. Maybe one drink turned into an entire night at the bar, or an errand for...

11 years ago
Why Do I Use Poor Behaviors to Change My Mood or Protect Myself?
August 05, 2013

Why Do I Use Poor Behaviors to Change My Mood or Protect Myself?

I have counseled thousands of people and one question I am frequently asked is:  “Why do I use poor behaviors to change my mood or protect myself?” You developed specific coping skills through many avenues. Life experiences have produced messages, core beliefs and thought patterns that drive what you feel,...

12 years ago