Understanding Mental Strongholds Part Four: Take Every Thought Captive “The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God.” Romans 8:6-7...
Understanding Mental Strongholds Part Three: How You Developed Strongholds You know that you, and every other person on the planet, have strongholds. So how did they develop? All of mankind acquired core beliefs based...
Understanding Mental Strongholds Part Two: Have The Mind Of Christ This Scripture defines strongholds for us: “arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” Where do...
Understanding Mental Strongholds God has provided us with every necessary tool to effectively tear down mental strongholds, but first we must understand what a stronghold is and how it can be removed. Our salvation...
What does God see when He looks at you? The Scriptures give us a very clear view of how God sees us. He made us in His image to be His children and members of His family. The Bible calls us not only servants and heirs...
I have had painful experiences that were designed to disillusion, hinder my purposes, and destroy my identity. I know that I am not alone in walking through these adversities. When someone is responsible for us, but...
Jesus, the Son of God, put Himself in a human body. He walked among us so we could know what love looks like. He lived the Bible’s explanation of love in all that He did on earth. We were created in His image and...
How did we develop our self-image? How was our identity formed? From the day we were born we have received millions of messages that put labels on us and built our current belief system. Our life experiences have also...