Christian Counseling

Intensive Jump Start Counseling Programs Receive the Healing You Desire Today!

October 12, 2023
11 minutes read
Intensive Jump Start Counseling Programs Receive the Healing You Desire Today!

Restructure the Foundation






Your goal is to receive healing from deep grieving experiences, trauma, abuse, addiction, and many other experiences that damage your soul and produce destructive thinking, life and relationship skills.

Healthy Relationships Come From Healthy Foundations

How important is working on stable thinking skills, discernment, and apply tangible tools to use in daily life situations and relationships? It is invaluable.

Our Intensives Are Custom Designed For You

I identify what you need for emotional and relational health. We look at the whole man, body, soul, and spirit to receive complete and lasting tools for success.


Custom Created Book of Tools to Meet Your Needs







This intensive will come with a custom created book filled with the tools needed for your specific challenges. It also contains the hundreds of slides that are custom designed for unique experiences.


Your Emotional and Relational Life is Like a Garden, it Needs Tending

plant hand






If you care for it you will enjoy its beauty and the fruit it produces, but if you ignore it you will only have thistles and weeds.


Jump Start Your Healing

Your intensive is designed as a Jump Start to find the root system and restructure your thinking, life and relationship skills to bear fruit in your life.


Invest in Yourself, Your Family, and Your Future







Americans spend $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 or more on a car that they will drive for 3-7 years.

What an investment for something you will eventually discard. How much more valuable are you and your relationships?

What is the Price for Peace, Joy, Happy and Healthy Relationships and Families?


Gain a Road Map for Success







An intensive is an investment to provide you with a road map for success in every area of life, emotions and relationships.

2 – 6 Day Individual Intensive Programs

You will be spending 8 – 48 hours in a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6-day intensive program.

Jump Start 2 -12 Months of Counseling Through an Intensive Program

It is a Jump Start of anywhere from 2 months to almost a full year of counseling to rebuild the way you think and the relationship choices that you make.

Learn the “How To” Skills

It provides you with deep understanding, a road map of “How To” tools to apply as you move forward in your life and relationships.

Your Need a Toolbox!








You will have a useable toolbox filled with tools and new skills to apply daily.

It is All About You – No Groups, No Fluff

There are no groups and no fluff in your custom designed program. It is all about you and the specifics of your life and all time spent is one on one with Dr. Michele.

We Identify and Separate the “Presenting Problems versus Root Problems”

A healthy foundation is what you build upon. It includes understanding your temperament design, development, thinking and core beliefs, bonding patterns, life and relationship skills.

We Deal with All the Issues from the Root System Up

Our intensive is not generic; it focuses on your specific past experiences and challenges to fill in gaps and skills in your thinking, life, and relationship skills.

Why You Think, Feel, and Behave the Way You Do

You will gain insight and understanding to why and how you operate in your life and relationship dynamics based on your own thinking, beliefs, and triggers.

Jump Start to Success










You will receive a Jump Start into the process of developing skills to make your life flourish.

Custom Designed Road Map for You

A road map and tools specifically designed for you. Below are just a few of the components that may be included:

Foundations and Cognition

  •       Identify a road map for healthy relationships
  •       Understand how unresolved wounds create faulty thinking that cause poor life skills and spiritual open doors
  •       Identify learned behaviors, and family patterns that were modeled for you and promoted beliefs and life skills that you operate in today Identify the messages from experiences that   formed your thinking patterns and core beliefs
  •        Understand how your development and life experiences affect your relationship skills
  •        Learn the foundation of thinking and the 10 types of cognitive distortion that operate in your thought patterns to create codependency
  •        Learn the “how to” take your thoughts captive, tear down the mental strongholds, and develop healthy self talk so that you can produce healthy relationship skills and use proper discernment and boundaries
  •        Learn tools for taking thoughts captive and tearing down strongholds before they affect your emotions, speech patterns, life, and relationship skills
  •        Understanding the body, soul and spirit connection

Healthy Behaviors In Relationships

  •          Learn discernment tools
  •          Learn to be proactive and not reactive
  •          Learn Healthy boundaries, expectations and how to give consequences
  •          Learn the steps to healthy bonding
  •          Learn the “Requirements for Intimacy” and the 7 things needed to maintain it
  •          Identify the “20 Healthy Behaviors in Relationships”
  •          Learn the “15 Most Essential Needs” that all people require


  •          Apply your temperament design to your relationship skills
  •          You are a unique individual by design: Understanding your temperament design with all your unique tendencies and needs and learn how it affects your thinking, and life skills.
  •          Understand how each unique person’s design in your relationships cause you to interact, communicate, resolve issues, and handle decisions and control issues.

Family Systems

  •          Understanding Family Systems
  •          Family Roles and Rules
  •          Other systems and their effect on you
  •          Developed Life Skills

 Trauma, Abuse and Abandonment

  •          Understanding and overcoming trauma
  •          3 Types of Abuse
  •          25 Categories of verbal and emotional abuse
  •          Identify the 7 words that are the foundation of all sin patterns
  •          Learn to discern healthy thought and life skill patterns

Addiction and other faulty coping skills

  •          Addictive patterns
  •          Addictive thinking
  •          Understanding S.T.A.F.F. – short term attempts at finding fulfillment
  •          Changing destructive coping skills from the root system up


  •          Understanding how you developed the patterns of codependency
  •          Learning the characteristic of codependency
  •          Identifying the roles and rules that drive the codependency
  •          Understanding codependency as an addictive pattern
  •          How to overcome and learn new thinking and life skills

Grief Work

  •          Understanding Grief Responses
  •          Processing Grief

Communication and Validation

  •          Learn to “Listen and Respond”
  •          How to be “Proactive Versus Reactive”
  •          Learn to recognize if the messages that you send or receive give either “Validation or Rejection”
  •          Learn the “10 Steps to Communication”
  •          The “10 Steps to Conflict Resolution”
  •          Close doors to the spiritual realm through changed thinking

Soul Cleansing

  •          Learn the five avenues that open doors to oppression
  •          Learn affective prayer to demolish strongholds
  •          Prayer ministry to remove strongholds
  •          Training on how to maintain your spiritual freedom


Build a toolbox complete with all the tools to do the following:

Understand your past so it doesn’t affect your future. Develop healthy thinking skills and remove mental strongholds

  •          Discernment skills
  •          Trouble shooting
  •          Temperament tools
  •          Relationships skills
  •          Communication
  •          Validation
  •          Assertive skills
  •          Boundaries
  •          Conflict Resolution
  •          Coping Skills
  •          Cognition Tools
  •          Freedom from destructive patterns


Intensives for Relationships, Emotional Wounds, Codependency, Addiction and More

This program is designed to be adapted to your specific needs and challenges. Whether you need marriage help, healing from abuse, codependency, addiction, or other challenges. This intensive will be designed and written just for your needs.

How it Works

Two or more sessions is required for background and to design the workshop specifically to your individual needs. An A.P.S. is required prior to the intensive. The intensive is followed up weekly or biweekly sessions to help you apply all that you have learned.

  •          Counseling appointment fees are based on a sliding scale both before and after the intensive.
  •          The A.P.S. report is a patented test that is $85 per report and is included with the intensive.
  •          A custom designed book with all PowerPoint and handouts is included.
  •          Bases on needs other books for homework are also provided.
  •          2 snacks and lunch are included daily to keep on task.

You will receive all the skills for success! Prices are based on the contents of your intensive and the length of the intensive, between 2-6 days.

Follow up appointments are based on a sliding scale. Individual Intensives are done in our home office in Jacksonville Florida.

Call Today to Schedule Your Intensive.

(904) 730-0775

All types of intensives can be adapted for groups in a church setting.
Call to schedule a workshop in your church or group.

Dr. Michele

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