God wants His hands and voice made real through His children, to send a message of hope,
faith, healing, and deliverance to reach hurting people.
What Is It Worth To Help Others “Walk Like Jesus?”
Life Renewal Inc. Is Commissioned To Serve, We Go Where You Can’t.
You can change a life Become “Partners in Life” with a monthly donation.
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Why Become A Partner In Life?
- This is about a suicidal woman who had her father’s baby when she was 12 years old, and at age 20 was locked into prostitution and God miraculously removed her from that life.
- This is about the 10 year old boy who was molested by a neighbor who is now healed and thriving.
- This is about the woman who was sexually abused by her stepfather, then abused by her husband for 20 years, and now is finding her hope and relationship in God, restoring her voice, and her emotions.
- This is about the thousands of individuals, marriages, and families restored from addictions and relationship struggles.
- This is about the letters from across our nation and the world that come pouring into the ministry saying we are their last hope. They have huge needs, doubt God, and have nowhere else to turn.
- This is about the many people across the country who need prayer and received it and felt God‘s touch via Skype.
- This is for the 10,000 people that Life Renewal Inc. has touched in the last 13 years who have said a light bulb of understanding has turned on and they gained tools and skills to connect their Bible knowledge into daily application in their knee jerk reactions. They have learned the ‘how to’ look like Christ and have their lives produce fruit for the kingdom.
- This is about all the people who need to learn how to walk in repentance (repentance means to change your mind) and are tearing down strongholds of negativity, faulty identity, addiction, depression, abuse, and so much more so they can have freedom.
Jesus is coming back for a church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. Christians need to be empowered to understand the warfare to be Christlike is fought through their daily thoughts, their focus on God and His promises, versus the adversity they face with their eyes and emotions.
We look like Christ and operate in power as an overcomer when our thinking, points our emotions, our words, relationships, how we cope, face conflicts, set boundaries, handle confrontation, and reflect biblical principles in our lives. This is about the thousands of people still waiting for God’s help through compassionate hearts and hands that offer hope, tools, and skills to succeed.
Your Support provides us the ability to do the following:
- Work with individuals, teens, and families on a sliding scale
- Provide several clinical pro-bono appointments weekly
- Healing for marriage and family issues, sexuality challenges, addictions, codependency, trauma, abuse, rejection, depression, anxiety, and so much more
- Provide up to 25 pro-bono hours per week as a commitment to minister to victims of Abuse with emotional, physical, spiritual, and relational problems. This is a commitment to walk through horrific memories, heal extreme trauma and abuse, prayer ministry, redefine identity, tear down strongholds, agreements, destructive vows, and build life skills one client at a time.
- Provides free counseling tools and scriptural applications through social media and the web: teaching series, blogs, videos, audios, pod-casts, and webinars to bring the counselor to you via the internet
- Provide free Q and A via the internet or phone and free 10 minute consultations for people across the country
- Your support enables us to produce MP3, Kindle, audio books, PDF books, hard copy books, and workbooks to bring biblical thinking, life skills, and tools for application so that you can ultimately reflect Christ in your life
- Your support enables us to begin our newly scheduled radio show “Walk Like Jesus” on Truth Network and develop content and guests to provide insight, skills, and tools to help you overcome and achieve all that God has for you
We are an tax exempt organization 59-3746887 as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
A copy of the official registration and finical information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll free (800)465-7652 within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. Ch13310
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