
Fulfilling the Plan Part 1: A Choice to be Transformed

March 16, 2017
7 minutes read
Fulfilling the Plan Part 1: A Choice to be Transformed

The Bible is God reaching out to mankind and sharing Himself to be in relationship with us. It teaches, urges, and calls us to return to Him. It motivate us to be like Him and emulate His presence in every thought and action, and fulfill the plan He has for each of us as individuals. I can’t fulfill the plan God has for your life, and you cannot fulfill the plan He has for my life. He wants to do a daily work in and through you as you allow.

You are living in an exciting time in history as you watch biblical prophecy unfold in your daily world if you but open your eyes to see and purpose in your heart to gain understanding. It is not a time to be asleep, it is time for the church to arise and become what God desires, the Bride of Christ. Your mind, body, and heart needs to prepare for Christ return.

Pursue Him with all of your being and this includes getting things healed within you, preparing your heart and mind to be in agreement with this Word, living life and emulating Jesus’ characteristics to a fallen world.  The challenge is that you live in a culture that is influencing, distracting, and even persecuting you from the Truth.

“Do not be conformed to the world,” Romans 12:2 says. That has far stretching meaning. It applies to past hurt or wounds, thoughts, beliefs, and speech patterns that you imitated from family and friends. It also means do not conform culturally, politically, relationally, or in your behaviors. Die to self and let Christ live through you and choose to turn form the world and align every part of your being with the Word and the Spirit.

Christ return is not tarrying, it is imminent. Yet, you experience one day melting into the other; its life as usual, day after day, year into year.  Are you waiting, watching, and actively moving forward in His will? That is your calling, your purpose.  The Scripture says you were chosen for such a time as this.

I for one want to be a part of an end time revival, and end time army that will be prepared, filled with power, anointing, and faith to face or do anything that the Lord leads us to challenge or accomplish. So don’t just continue as life as usual, be purposeful in change.


The Hebrew word for year is shanah which means the duplicate or the repeat. Every year you have a fall, winter, spring, and summer and then it repeats; nature repeats, life repeats. You can repeat thinking patterns, habits, family weaknesses, and so much more either from a negative application or a positive and godly perspective.


The choice is yours! Have you stalled or are you moving forward each day of the year? Shanah has a double meaning it also means the change. You don’t have to repeat because you can change. Every day you have a choice for new beginnings and new steps. You have a decision to repeat the same old, same old, or move forward in God.


You need to purpose to step out of your old ways and habits and do what you’ve never done before; walk in the newness of God each day.


“Behold, I will do a new thing, now what shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).


This promise is to you. You can move out of your wilderness experience, out of the dry creek beds in your life and have living water spring up in and through you. Today does not need to look like yesterday. God desires to do a new thing. He wants to spring forth out of nothing new things within you. This is the nature of God in you.


“Therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death, but just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4).


Make a conscious decision to apply biblical Truth in every thought and action. The old man does not have to be causing you to drag yourself through life.  Crucify the old man and don’t repeat his patterns but change into the image of Christ just a little more each day. You were destined for newness.


“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).


As a christian counselor I teach the practical application tools of the Bible to be transformed. This is the spiritual lived out through the natural in your daily thoughts, agreeing and speaking in line with God’s Word. You have to see each challenge and hardship through the Word and promises of God. Don’t allow the world to pull you off your faith and peace.


The Word says that God’s mercies are new every morning. You do not have to live out of repetition of last year; you can walk beyond the natural into the supernatural with God into healing, wholeness, freedom, and power. Make the choice, and take the steps one day and one year at a time.


Dr. Michele

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