Understanding Soul Ties
January 09, 2015

Understanding Soul Ties

Understanding Soul Ties   The only way that the enemy can access your life is through open doors. Your body and soul are corruptible areas. What you think, speak, choose, who you draw near to, and the behaviors that you operate in either reflect biblical standards and keep the doors to the enemy closed or they open doors...

10 years ago
The Schemes and Devices of The Devil Part 3: Awareness of the Enemies Methods – Schemes 4-7
December 03, 2014

The Schemes and Devices of The Devil Part 3: Awareness of the Enemies Methods – Schemes 4-7

The Schemes and Devices of The Devil Part 3: Awareness of the Enemies Methods – Schemes 4-7 “Finally, my brethren, put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10-11 You are armed with knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from the Word of God. Learn...

10 years ago
The Schemes and Devices of Devil Part 2: Do Not Be Deceived – Schemes 1-3
November 26, 2014

The Schemes and Devices of Devil Part 2: Do Not Be Deceived – Schemes 1-3

The Schemes and Devices of Devil Part 2: Do Not Be Deceived – Schemes 1-3 God gave you armor to protect you from the attacks of the enemy. You are armed with a belt of Truth that holds all of your armor together. Keep the Truth of God’s Word securely around your waist as a measuring stick for all things. When you...

10 years ago
The Schemes and Devices of the Devil Part 1: Do Not Be Ignorant
November 03, 2014

The Schemes and Devices of the Devil Part 1: Do Not Be Ignorant

The Schemes and Devices of Devil Part 1: Do Not Be Ignorant I have been a Christian for 32 years, a leader for 28 of those years, and for 16 of those years I have run a ministry and been a clinical Christian counselor. Through my experiences in ministry I have never seen a time that Christians need a deeper knowledge and...

10 years ago
Gates Part 3: Sin is Crouching at your Door –Don’t Answer!
October 22, 2014

Gates Part 3: Sin is Crouching at your Door –Don’t Answer!

Gates Part 3: Sin is Crouching at your Door –Don’t Answer! How do we open the door to the enemy? One example is if we harbor un-forgiveness. If we don’t repent and choose to forgive we have given the devil a foothold. The open door is the beginning of how oppression besieges us. The enemy gatekeeper will...

10 years ago
Gates Part 2: Guarding the Gates to Remove the Strongholds
October 15, 2014

Gates Part 2: Guarding the Gates to Remove the Strongholds

Gates Part 2: Guarding the Gates to Remove the Strongholds   It is essential to understand the importance of Gates in the natural as the Old Testament teaches. When we recognize our bodies as a temple with gates it brings deeper meaning and significance to Bible stories. We have to make this knowledge practical application...

10 years ago
Understanding the Importance of Gates
October 01, 2014

Understanding the Importance of Gates

Understanding the Importance of Gates A stronghold is a fortified dwelling encamping around our belief system. Our distorted thinking patterns and faulty core beliefs are the strongholds that hinder our agreement with God’s Word. Identifying and tearing down our strongholds is essential to walking in the fullness of...

10 years ago
Gaining Biblical Tools  Part 2 Using Tools With Skills
September 23, 2014

Gaining Biblical Tools Part 2 Using Tools With Skills

Gaining Biblical Tools Part 2 Using Tools With Skills Every day you navigate through messages from your workplace, peers, and family. You may receive rejection, offenses, or wounds. In every situation it requires you to identify the issues and apply the proper tools for the correct, proactive response. You start by learning a...

10 years ago