How Much Christ is in your Christianity?  Part 3
October 27, 2017

How Much Christ is in your Christianity? Part 3

Attributes of the Gospel The gospel preaches about the cross and the power of the blood. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace (Ephesians 1:7-8 NIV). The power of the cross is in the shed blood of Jesus. In Jesus is our complete sufficiency for...

7 years ago
How Much Christ is in your Christianity Part 2
October 10, 2017

How Much Christ is in your Christianity Part 2

Attributes of the Gospel  Christ is missing from your Christianity if the gospel has been twisted. Remember Satan mixes 2% or more of lies to 98% truth to corrupt the truth and make it a complete lie. This has been Satan’s tactic from the garden when he misquoted God to Eve. Your Christianity rooted in Christ must preach and...

7 years ago
How Much Christ is in your Christianity Part 1
September 29, 2017

How Much Christ is in your Christianity Part 1

  Part I Is it possible for Jesus to be lost in Christianity?   There are many bogus Christs among us today. If you follow the unbiblical Christ that is not the Christ of the gospel then your faith is in vain. If you are satisfied with an unbiblical, imaginary Savior, then I hope you are also satisfied with an imaginary...

7 years ago
Fulfilling the Plan: Part 3 Small Steps
June 01, 2017

Fulfilling the Plan: Part 3 Small Steps

In Part 1: A Choice to be Transformed, I urged you to pursue daily transformation seeking God to change you and bring you newness of life. In Part 2: Exchanging the Limited for the Limitless I challenged you not to focus on the natural world but pursue the spiritual, infinite abundance of God and His presence. Choose to allow...

8 years ago
Fulfilling the Plan: Part 2 Exchanging the Limited for the Limitless
April 07, 2017

Fulfilling the Plan: Part 2 Exchanging the Limited for the Limitless

As a counselor I teach biblical tools to transform your life. I urge you to apply spiritual truths into your daily thoughts, speech patterns and behaviors. Live just a little bit more in line with God’s Word every day. God longs for you to draw near to Him. You have a choice hour by hour, day by day, and year by year. You do...

8 years ago
Fulfilling the Plan Part 1: A Choice to be Transformed
March 16, 2017

Fulfilling the Plan Part 1: A Choice to be Transformed

The Bible is God reaching out to mankind and sharing Himself to be in relationship with us. It teaches, urges, and calls us to return to Him. It motivate us to be like Him and emulate His presence in every thought and action, and fulfill the plan He has for each of us as individuals. I can’t fulfill the plan God has for your...

8 years ago
The Bible is Reliable Part 2
February 20, 2017

The Bible is Reliable Part 2

In part one we defined why the Bible is unique but now let’s ask the question is it reliable? We don’t have to just believe because there is more evidence for the reliability of the New Testament than almost any 10 pieces of classical literature put together.   I don’t believe in blind faith or mindless religion...

8 years ago
The Bible is Unique Part One
February 14, 2017

The Bible is Unique Part One

I find that too many people think they have to suspend their intellect, there reason, and facts to have faith. And what I am going to proceed to show you is that is not true. I think most of us are in pursuit of truth in pursuit of something greater. I don’t believe the Bible just for the sake of what it is claimed to be...

8 years ago