Today’s blog will be a bit of a biblical vocabulary lesson. Sometimes important words become lost in translation. We may think we know what they mean, but do we really? Applying biblical truth and putting it into action is what God calls us to do, but what if we’re missing a key point entirely because we don’t understand...
God desires you to receive fullness and purpose in your life. You are a work in progress, and He desires you to grow daily into His image. This is your sanctification process. No one who grew up on planet earth has escaped without experiencing something that caused painful, personal wounds. These experiences and wounds produced...
Offenses And The Wounds We Receive *In the 30 seconds it took me to walk back to my seat, I processed the message I received, identified how it was a trigger from past wounds, and what I needed to do about it.* I want to tell you a story of something that happened to me. It could have happened at work, in my...
When you say abuse the vast majority of people focus on physical abuse; someone who has been battered, bruised, choked, or pushed around. Whether you are speaking of physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, or spiritual abuse, it is all violence against your body, soul, and spirit. The Bible warns us of the works of the...
Have you wondered if you’ve been a victim of verbal or emotional abuse? Verbal and emotional abuse can happen in any relationship including friendships, work relationships, families, dating relationships, and marriages. Carefully read through this list and see if any apply to you. Verbal and Emotional Abuse Check List 1. ...
It is through your faith in Jesus that you have been redeemed and are being set free from all that oppresses you. Invite God to search, sift, and purge you from all the wounds of your past. No one has escaped this life without physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual injuries, but God is on your side and is faithful...
The last tool in this series is Critical Thinking and Rational Reasoning. Most of you are familiar with these terms, but yet tools are needed to improve the application of them in your life. You may have been told in school that you needed to develop good critical thinking skills, but the vast majority of people don’t really...
The Five Tools That Help You Discern Part 4: Spiritual Radar Repeat after me: Physical Sensations, Emotions and Feelings, and Heart Condition Filter. Hopefully you have been working on these three tools to help you strengthen your thinking skills. This is now the fourth tool, and well, it’s a big one. They are all...