“Why Do We Read The Bible?”
November 18, 2013

“Why Do We Read The Bible?”

Have you ever wonder why it’s important to read the Bible? When we meet a new friend and we decide that we want to get to know her better, we plan times to get together and bond, share experiences and learn what is important to each of us. If you court someone, you share your hopes and dreams as you begin to link your...

11 years ago
Seven Keys To Overcoming Your Past
November 11, 2013

Seven Keys To Overcoming Your Past

Do you ever feel as if you’re struggling to overcome your past? The old adage says, “If life gives you lemons make lemonade.” We can either continue life with a bitter taste in our mouths, or turn what is sour into something sweet and useful. It isn’t what happens to you but how you react to your life...

11 years ago
Trauma And Trusting God: Turning Your Thoughts To God
November 04, 2013

Trauma And Trusting God: Turning Your Thoughts To God

Everyone has experienced pain and disappointment, and many have experienced trauma that makes it difficult to trust. We have struggles that are common to man. We have experienced rejection, loneliness, abandonment, fear, persecution, accusations, and judgment. We face uncertain futures and our hope needs to be in God. Many of...

11 years ago
What Is Codependency?
October 28, 2013

What Is Codependency?

You’ve probably heard the term “codependency,” but what is codependency? We first must know what codependency is and understand the characteristics in daily coping and life skills so that we can effectively identify if we are operating in these patterns. Most of us operate in some areas of our life with the traits of...

11 years ago
Parenting: What Messages Do You Send Your Children?
October 21, 2013

Parenting: What Messages Do You Send Your Children?

Have you ever stopped and wondered what messages you, as a parent, send your children? Every day in the development of your children they receive messages from family, teachers, the media, and the culture. Some of these messages are positive, and many are negative. Family should be the safe place where you are nurtured,...

11 years ago
Why Is A Healthy Marriage Important?
October 14, 2013

Why Is A Healthy Marriage Important?

How important is it to have a healthy marriage? Can two people simply coexist and still have an emotionally healthy and strong family? Is it possible for a marriage that is barely existing to become healthy? Many of you have not had examples of what a healthy family looks like. Maybe you grew up in a single parent home, or had...

11 years ago
How Do My Behaviors Affect My Self-Esteem?
October 07, 2013

How Do My Behaviors Affect My Self-Esteem?

Have you ever wondered how your behaviors affect your self-esteem? Every day we face difficult external circumstances. You may often feel as if you’re struggling just to make it through each minute. Sometimes the struggles we face are beyond our control simply because we live in a fallen world, but what if you had more...

11 years ago
Moving From Pain To Blessing: Three Keys
September 30, 2013

Moving From Pain To Blessing: Three Keys

We all experience pain, so how do we move from pain to blessing? To answer that question, let me ask you one: How do you perceive the character and nature of God, and do you allow Him to protect and heal your heart? You may say you trust Him, yet you may spend a huge amount of time self-protecting and taking things into your...

11 years ago
reading bible