Intensive Jump Start Counseling Programs Receive the Healing You Desire Today!
October 12, 2023
Christian Counseling

Intensive Jump Start Counseling Programs Receive the Healing You Desire Today!

Restructure the Foundation         Your goal is to receive healing from deep grieving experiences, trauma, abuse, addiction, and many other experiences that damage your soul and produce destructive thinking, life and relationship skills. Healthy Relationships Come From Healthy Foundations How important is...

1 year ago
Online Christian Counseling
October 12, 2018
Christian Online Counseling

Online Christian Counseling

All you need for an online appointment with Dr. Michele is a computer, webcam, and access to the internet. Benefits to Online Christian Counseling include: Receive counseling from the comfort of your own home or office.   Clients in very rural or remote locations or clients with disabilities that make leaving the house...

6 years ago
Worldly Love Versus Godly Love Part 4:  A Loving God That Demands Truth and Justice
March 20, 2018

Worldly Love Versus Godly Love Part 4: A Loving God That Demands Truth and Justice

Through the blood of Jesus Christ all enmity between God and man is dissolved, all sin is removed, and all things are made new. Thank you, Jesus, that you give us a new nature and the ability to love righteousness, seek holiness, and hate the wickedness that kills, steals and destroys.   Those who love must also hate. Not...

7 years ago
Worldly Love Versus Godly Love Part 3:  Do You Love What God Loves and Hate What He Hates?
March 13, 2018

Worldly Love Versus Godly Love Part 3: Do You Love What God Loves and Hate What He Hates?

When you look at the topic of God’s love and hate you must consider what the Bible says on the subject. The Bible is very clear on what God loves and what He hates.   The Word tells you to, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2...

7 years ago
Worldly Love Versus Godly Love Part 2:  God’s Holiness Demands Love and Hate
February 27, 2018

Worldly Love Versus Godly Love Part 2: God’s Holiness Demands Love and Hate

God’s Justice Is Love If you ignore sin you are saying it is irrelevant and does not matter. If God did not punish sin He would send you the message, “it is no big deal.” A God who trivializes sin is not a holy God; and it is not the God you want to worship God believes in justice, He does not ignore sins or let sinners...

7 years ago
Worldly Love Versus God’s Love Part 1
February 02, 2018

Worldly Love Versus God’s Love Part 1

What do you think of when I say the love of God? Do you think of all that Christ has done for you? He took on human nature and was the incarnate son of God. He was humbled, rejected, abandoned, accused, slandered, suffered and died to display His love.   He came as a baby swaddled in His weakness. He lived a life of...

7 years ago
How Much Christ is in your Christianity?  Part 5
November 10, 2017

How Much Christ is in your Christianity? Part 5

Compare the Biblical Jesus with the Postmodern Jesus   The Bible warns us that in the last days before the antichrist is revealed there will be a great falling away. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed…”, (2 Thessalonians...

7 years ago
How Much Christ is in your Christianity? Part 4
November 06, 2017

How Much Christ is in your Christianity? Part 4

  Are you Pursuing Jesus with all your Heart?   At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars...

7 years ago
Jump start