
How do I know when I have a problem with alcohol abuse?

May 5, 2012
3 minutes read
How do I know when I have a problem with alcohol abuse?

Almost every client struggling with using a substance or event has asked me this question and often in the form of “What is the line between a social drinker, abusing alcohol, or an addiction?” At Life Renewal Inc., we define addiction as an unhealthy relationship with a substance or event. For instance, If you drink to change your feelings when stressed, angry, depressed or so that you can socialize you are abusing alcohol. On the other hand, If you are not consistently seeking or thinking about alcohol but you have a drink with friends in a controlled manner you are not relating to alcohol in an unhealthy relationship.

No matter what kind of addition, When the abuse progresses the unhealthy relationship to the substance or event creates faulty thought patterns and core beliefs. The abuser then becomes dependent and believes their needs are being met by the substance.

This journey begins when at its very basic level you seek to change your mood. In our lives we have seasons of struggling in pain, grief, or loneliness. This may make us susceptible to forming an addictive relationship with a substance. When we experience the mood change an “illusion” develops that says you are in control, comfort, free from pain and your needs are met. You become seduced into embracing false and empty promises.

The “high” you experienced urges you to return to the substance or event again and again to escape pain or find emotional fulfillment, which then leads to the formation of negative thinking patterns that are in reality dangerous illusions.

Some people may abuse substances or events for a season in their lives and then turn back to healthier ways of meeting needs. Addiction is a progression through experiences that bring a series of changes within you; it develops and becomes a way of life. It speaks to you and says this is how you gain relief, emotional security, fulfillment, and intimacy. If you recognize this unhealthy pattern in any of its stages in yourself or in a loved one, you very likely have a problem. Please don’t wait, seek help right away.

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Dr. Michele
(904) 730-0775

Copyright (c) 2012 by Michele Fleming

Dr. Michele

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