
Understanding Soul Ties

January 9, 2015
7 minutes read
Understanding Soul Ties

Understanding Soul Ties


understandingSH2The only way that the enemy can access your life is through open doors. Your body and soul are corruptible areas. What you think, speak, choose, who you draw near to, and the behaviors that you operate in either reflect biblical standards and keep the doors to the enemy closed or they open doors to the demonic. Most people are unaware and lack knowledge about soul ties and how they can be an open door and affect your life.

Soul ties are formed when two or more people become bonded emotionally. The Bible uses several words to describe a soul tie — knit, bound up, clave or cleave, and joined. They all describe a close fellowship. Knit means to drive together and unite in association or affection.

The word bound means to yoke or hitch, fasten, bind, gird, harness, hold or tie. Clave or cleave means cling or adhere, to follow closely, be joined, to be glued; hence to be attached to anyone, or to be lovingly devoted. Joined in Greek means to cleave, stick to, or glue.

By these definitions you can understand a soul tie is the knitting together of two souls in fellowship, whereby they are fastened and bonded together in close attachment. They are linked and joined. Whom you choose to be bound to is very important.

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore come out from them and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.’”
2 Corinthians 6:14-17 (NIV)

In this Scripture Paul is talking to the Christians in Corinth. False apostles and teachers were trying to convince these Christians that Paul did not love them. He is appealing to the very people who were the beneficiaries of his love. Your close relationships have the power to deeply influence and mold you. Charming and persuasive words can move you right out of agreement with God if you are unaware.

Satan uses people to urge you into compromise, forsaking the gospel and replacing it with forms of idolatry. These relationships were happening within the church of Corinth! As you choose whom to link your life through deep relationships, you need to use wisdom so that you will not form unholy alliances and be defiled, hindering you in the purposes of the Lord for your life.

This does not mean that you need to lock yourself in a monastery. Rather you are to live in the world, but not be of the world. You can have relationships with unbelievers in a manner where you influence them, but you do not join yourself to their world and life style. Your closest and deepest relationships should be with those who urge you to a deeper level in God. So you should choose wisely whom you link your life with in deep relationship.

The entire Bible is filled with examples that teach you not to unite with those who will corrupt and defile you as believers. When you are in close relationship with someone you will naturally adopt their thoughts, opinions, speech patterns, and habits. Hence, the people closest to you should not move you away from God and His principles, but rather urge you deeper toward God.

The Israelites were constantly warned by God to come out and be separate from the ungodly nations around them. They were warned not to receive the daughters from other nations for their sons, or give their daughters in marriage because this would bring iniquity into their bloodline. When they disobeyed God, the outcome was the same.
Through marrying pagans they introduced spiritual and natural inheritance into their families.

The Bible teaches the sins of the father go to the fourth generation which briefly describes spiritual inheritance. Their natural inheritance was not just their appearance, but was also their learned behaviors complete with thought patterns, core beliefs, and attitudes derived from the pagan cultures. When they married into this influence, the potential for corruption in such a bond or soul tie is evident.

The Scripture teaches us that the only sin of mixing is a believer marrying an unbeliever. This principle is in both the Old and New Testament. This principle is not fulfilled by just marrying a Christian, but rather uniting your life with a person that you can walk side by side with in your relationship with God. Your companion should be like-minded, not someone who just attends church, but desires to reflect Christ and biblical principles in their life and commitments.

Take these Bible principles and apply them to your contemporary lives. Whose authority do you place ourselves under in church, work, and family. Whom do you link with in association politically, spiritually, and relationally in our friendships, dating and marriage? Whom do you strive to emulate? If you understand the significance of soul ties, you will use wisdom in making your choices.

Dr. Michele

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