
A Change of Heart and Mind

July 29, 2013
5 minutes read
A Change of Heart and Mind

change aheadToday’s blog will be a bit of a biblical vocabulary lesson. Sometimes important words become lost in translation. We may think we know what they mean, but do we really? Applying biblical truth and putting it into action is what God calls us to do, but what if we’re missing a key point entirely because we don’t understand the real meaning of a word?

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4: 6

In your life and relationships, you need to evaluate situations, make discernments, and be teachable, which means you have to be willing to change your mind and attitudes. Aligning you’re opinions, understanding, and attitudes with biblical principles are how you become Christlike in your thinking, speech patterns, behaviors, and life skills. So, having a change of mind is not only necessary, it is imperative.

What do you think of when you hear the word “repentance?” I’m guessing many of you picture yourselves being preached at and feeling condemned, possibly to the point of tears. Then running to an alter call confessing any sin you have ever committed, even ones you’ve confessed before. God never used condemnation to bring about changes. You might be surprised at what the Bible means by the word “repentance.” The Greek word in the New Testament for repentance is “metanoia” and it is best translated as a “change of mind.” Understanding the depth of the meaning of the word it could also be said as a “change of heart.” So, every time the Bible is referencing repentance, or saying to repent, it is merely saying align yourself with God’s truth and have a “change of mind and heart.”

The idea of changing your mind and heart means for your thoughts to do a complete 180 degree turn, thinking and believing the exact opposite of what you once did. Repentance is having a transformation in your thinking, a change of heart, so that you align yourself with the Word of God.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  Romans 12:2

Understanding this Greek word is important because God calls us to be transformed. This means you experience a change of mind and heart as God teaches and molds you, if you allow Him to change you.  It is only through the change of mind, attitude, and forming an agreement with God, that you can apply changes to your life and relationship skills, and overcome personal challenges.

I often teach about the importance of speech patterns, communication, conflict resolution, boundaries, and life and relationship skills. These actions are how you represent Christ to the world. God is concerned with our hearts changing. When our hearts change, then the world will see it as well.

“… For the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

The foundation of what you say and do are found in your thinking and beliefs. Repentance is God’s solution to bring about change because when you have a change of mind, every area of your life changes. The changes are evident in all you say and do.

All of the unhealthy habits and practices that you have developed over the years in your life need to be re-thought and re-learned; the new healthy skills should be created through the inward change of mind. We all need to examine our lives and develop a lifestyle of repentance; be continually willing to be transformed by allowing God to lead. Adopt a pattern of changing your mind as you grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally because then and only then will you “produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matthew 3:8). Then, you can improve your emotions, actions and reactions, relationships, and begin living a biblically sound and healthy life.


Copyright © 2013 Michele Fleming, Ph.D.

Dr. Michele

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