Premarital Counseling

Premarital Counseling

Receive Premarital Counseling

What are you willing to invest to assure a happy, healthy marriage relationship?

[twocol_one][/twocol_one]Did you know that the average wedding today costs around $27,000? That is the average, not the high end. How ludicrous that you would spend that much money for an event, and invest nothing in the success of your marriage. Most people go to only a few sessions of premarital counseling, often in their church. This will not prepare you with the tools and skills that are needed to navigate through any storm that you may face.

The divorce rate in the church is no different than in the world. So what are we doing wrong?

We are not focusing on healthy root systems, building solid foundations in thoughts and beliefs that agree with the Bible and not our life experiences, and then learning to move them into the application in our life, and relationship skills.

Premarital counseling that will increase our chances of success involves more than just a discussion of roles and expectations.

It involves the following:

  • Looking at each family system you came out of and the beliefs, expectations, and behaviors you adopted through those experiences.
  • An understanding of your unique temperament which is the design of your soul is essential. This teaches you the tendencies of what you want and express in many areas:
    • Casual relationships, deep relationships, how you take in information in your thinking skills and perceptions, your social interactions, how you handle roles, responsibilities, decision making, your tendencies in communication, assertive and coping skills, how emotional you are, and so much more.
    • This is not your personality or your behaviors, but an in-depth tool to teach you about your specific design and needs. This enables you to learn precise marriage skills for your unique strengths and weakness while interacting with your spouse.
  • Tangible tools and practical skills to understand the 20 healthy behaviors in relationships, how to assert yourself, communicate, validate each other, and resolve conflicts, without adopting poor behaviors.
  • Identifying roles, expectations, and boundaries about everything from household chores, finances, sex, children, parenting plans, and other important topics.

If you are willing to spend a year planning your wedding and $27,000 for the event, are you willing to spend several months investing in your lifetime relationship, resolving problems before they ever happen?

Receive Premarital Counseling from our Licensed Counselor and Christian Resources for Free!


– Dr. Michele

“Empowering Solutions For A More Fulfilling Life!”


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Please give us a call if you have any questions or comments about our services, or if you are ready to begin your recovery. You can also contact us by email.



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